Give Tracey A Call
(610) 286-7834
Auctioneer License
Saturday, April 22, 2023
181 Mapleflower Road, Glenmoore, Pa. 19343
Sale held in Building bring chairs
Starting at 9:00 with smalls and tools, Guns will be at approx. 1:00, but be there by 12, Equipment approx. 1:30, but e there by 12:30
John Deere 320 skid steer 3106 hours, John Deere 37B with corn planters,
67’ Mercury Cougar XR7289 V8 automatic
1979 Dodge Adventure 150 pickup with 318 automatic,
Pig roaster, Husky 22 ton log splitter, Antiques, Guns, Railroad Engine Bell, ETC.
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